Our Leadership


At Coram Deo, we believe Jesus Christ is the Head of the church, and He alone is her Good and Chief Shepherd. However, Christ also appoints qualified men to help lead and serve the church, in two offices: elder and deacon. We are led by a plurality of elders/pastors/overseers who teach and shepherd the flock, and deacons serve in various roles to steward the material assets of the church.

Rory St. John

Lead Pastor

Rory came to Coram Deo in April of 2020. He is married to Janelle and they have three children. Rory grew up in Baptist churches since the time he was six, when his parents were converted. God opened his eyes to the glory of the gospel at a young age and gave him a special love for the Word of God in his late teens. He was trained at Toronto Baptist Seminary for five years, and also had some excellent pastoral mentors in Alberta. Rory loves the body of Christ here in Grande Prairie, and wants to see it continue to grow and fulfill its purpose to God’s glory!

Email Rory at rstjohn@coramdeogp.com or call/text at 780-933-0395.

Ken Thomson


Brent Kennedy


Nathan Shoepp

Deacon of Building/Maintenance

Brady Rideout

Deacon of Finance/Benevolence

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