What Kind of Church is Coram Deo?
Coram Deo Baptist Church is one local church that is part of the greater world-wide Church. But there are certainly many different branches of the big tree of the Christian Church, and Coram Deo finds itself on a particular branch. Coram Deo is a Protestant Church...

Getting Alone to Pray
"Immediately he made his disciples get into the boat and go before him to the other side, to Bethsaida, while he dismissed the crowd. And after he had taken leave of them, he went up on the mountain to pray" (Mark 6:45-46). In these verses, as in other places, we see...

What Should We Think About Israel?
As Israel and Hamas go to war, many Christians have suddenly begun to wonder about our relationship to Israel today and what we should think about the current events in it. Obviously, this war is terrible, and what has been done to Israel is horrific. We should all...

Limited Atonement (Part 1)
Limited Atonement, sometimes called Particular Redemption or Definite Atonement, is a term used for one of the main tenets of Calvinistic doctrine. If you've ever come across Calvinism, you might have seen the acrostic "TULIP" which stands for Total Depravity,...

Thanksgiving and Mental Health
On October 10th (Thanksgiving Day here in Canada), I noticed that some people were celebrating something else, called “World Mental Health Day.” Apparently, international organizations like the World Federation for Mental Health and the World Health Organization have...

What Are We Doing Here?
“What am I doing here?” is a question we may ask ourselves from time to time in order to rediscover our purpose and direction. “What are we doing here?” is also an important question for every church to answer. The church has a certain mission, but often we can get a...