Worship is Universal
Everyone worships in some shape, form, or fashion. Worship is the ascribing of worth to someone or something. We at Coram Deo Baptist Church choose to ascribe worth to the One True God found in 3 persons; Father, Son (Jesus), and Holy Spirit.
Our spiritual act of worship is living our lives as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God (Romans 12:1). We know that even our best efforts fall short of this. As we live our lives emulating Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit, we trust Christ to live in and through us. This enables us to preach the gospel, proclaim His name, disciple His people, and spread His renown for the joy of all nations.
What do the Worship Times Consist of at Coram Deo?
Sunday Morning is a time for reverence and celebration.
We praise the Lord through the avenue of music. Psalm 13:6 says, “I will sing to the Lord because He has dealt bountifully with me.” When we sing to the Lord we give back the breath He has given us and affirm the truths He has revealed about who He is in His Word.
We endeavor to base everything we do on the Word of God. The songs we sing will be centered on the Word of Truth. They will proclaim the name of Jesus.
Our Praise time would best be considered a blend of traditional hymns and contemporary Spiritual songs. The songs we use have depth. The songs we sing elevate God’s truth (by singing God’s truth). In contemporary culture many people derive a shallow theology from shallow worship songs. We will not do this. We know the importance of singing songs that do not “water down” the Gospel. We sing truths from the tenth century B.C (Psalms), the first century (N.T Scripture), the twelfth century (All Creatures of Our God and King), the sixteenth century (A Mighty Fortress is Our God), the eighteenth century (Come Thou Fount), and the twenty-first century (In Christ Alone). No matter when the songs were written, you can be sure they echo the Scriptures if we use them in our times of praise.
We also take time in our public worship for confession. This is not a time where one turns to his neighbour, or goes to the pastor, to air his dirty laundry. This is an opportunity to go boldly before the throne of grace, clinging to Jesus as advocate, and confess our sins before God. This is done that there may be no hindrance to fellowship and worship. God promises that He will forgive and cleanse of all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).
The majority of our time spent on Sunday morning is in preaching. The sermon is a verse by verse journey through Scripture. Most often the sermons will be through a book of the Bible. On other occasions they could be based on a topic such as “The Biblical Family” or “Answers to Tough Questions.” We spend most of our time in the Bible because this is where we attain instruction from God. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 says, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” Worship begins and ends with God’s revelation.
We will be diligent to focus on Scripture.
There will be some Sundays that we celebrate with those who want to make a public profession that Jesus Christ is Lord of their lives through Believer’s Baptism.
Every week we partake of communion together. This is done as a spiritual act of remembering the death of Christ.
Information on Service times can be found on the page, What To Expect?
Information on what takes place during other times of worship can be found on the pages, Children and Youth and Small Groups.